Have you given up on your New Year’s Resolution already? Even though it's almost March, it's not too late to make a new year's resolution or start afresh. Those who are living the digital nomad or location independent lifestyle know how exciting, terrifying, and worthwhile it can all be. When you’re not working a 9-5 corporate job, time seems to fly by since you’re having fun doing what you love. I can’t believe it’s 2019 already! In the usual new year fashion, it’s the perfect time to not only set professional goals but also take steps towards achieving greater wellness and personal happiness.

As a digital nomad who broke away from the corporate grind over seven years ago, I learned quite a bit about this lifestyle. My journey as an entrepreneur has been anything but easy, but If you are a digital nomad or someone that works remotely (or aspiring to), you may find my 5 New Year’s resolutions for a location independent lifestyle useful. You don’t have to try to apply all 5 resolutions to your life at once, as most New Year’s resolutioners try and end up failing at doing so, but rather take one bit of advice that can be easily be applied to your current situation. Hopefully, if you make some of these changes, you will become happier and healthier while also seeing positive changes in your location independent business or job in this year and beyond.
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1) Implement Daily Digital Detoxes into Your Schedule
I know I can hear you now, “How am I supposed to detox from the digital realm when I conduct all my business online?” I am fully aware that not everyone can step away from the computer and take 2-3 weeks vacation on a beautiful Caribbean island. If that is an option then take full advantage of it and make sure you take time to unplug, but if you’re like me and don’t have the time to take a lengthy break from your business, then you may benefit from daily detoxes. We love daily detoxes here at the Blue Ocean Life Company.
Very early on I knew that I had to establish a detox schedule if I was going to be living this digital nomad lifestyle. Generally, I take them from 7 pm-9 am, a period in which I completely turn off all digital devices. During that timeframe I am not one with the digital realm; I compartmentalize my digital existence, which is just one aspect of who I am, and I use the time period I set aside to fully explore the plethora of other facets that make up my life.
This may sound cheesy but it is a sure way to decrease the chances of suffering from burn out. Scheduling digital detoxes in nature or just outside your home can be vitally important to maintaining a healthy mind and body.
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2) Spend More Time in Nature
At the Blue Ocean Life Company, we view physical and mental health as wealth, and there are tremendous health benefits to spending time outdoors. There’s a reason why every school schedules outside recesses for kids, yet we schedule no such time for adults.
Years of scientific studies suggest that being in nature can positively affect our mood and physical well-being, so why do most people stay indoors? Well, there are a variety of reasons: most 9-5 jobs are indoors and many new forms of recreation, such as streaming TV and video games, are causing us to spend more time indoors and behind screens.
Explore or create an activity in nature as it can have a positive impact on your body while reducing time doing all of the things that can be costly to your health: too much sitting at a desk, too much behind screens, and too much work stress.
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3) Visit the Ocean More Often
Spending time near the ocean is something that can improve your mood and genuinely make you feel better. It is one of the many reasons people love to travel to different beaches around the world. In addition to the nice view and the soothing sounds, the ocean has therapeutic and physical benefits. According to the book, "Blue Mind," most humans are naturally drawn to the water because of its calming effect.
Ocean living is super beneficial to the mind, body, and soul; researchers suggest that the rhythm of ocean waves coming in and out can affect the rhythm of our neurological waves, encouraging a more peaceful and meditative state. Additionally, the sun’s vitamin D contributes to the health of skin cell growth and repair, while the salt from the ocean water is proven to work as an antibacterial and cause physical wounds to heal more quickly.
Because we love the ocean and its benefits so much, we created our signature "healing wave" collection as a way to help raise awareness about the healing benefits of the ocean!
4) Take Steps to Simplify Your Life
It's amazing that someone that lived thousands of years ago is so much wiser than some of today's brightest minds. You know, the ones that tell us we need more money, more possessions, and more social media apps to make us happier - yet the more complex our lives become, the less happy we seem to be.
It's easy to let all of the material possessions and tech distractions of modern-day living elevate your stress levels. As a start, take time to clean out your cell phone of unused apps and eliminating alerts that only serve to distract your mind while also taking steps to declutter your personal and professional spaces. Cluttered spaces and devices lead to cluttered minds so it's time to declutter.
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5) Travel More
According to recent studies, 90% of the population makes it their New Year’s resolution to vacation and travel more. While many view traveling as a bonus on top of everyday life, traveling should be viewed as a way to actively maintain and improve your overall well-being.
Traveling is essential to reducing stress and maintaining a good relationship with yourself, others, and your surroundings. With a location independent career and lifestyle, it can be easier than ever to travel and we urge you to stick with this resolution and prioritize it for your own physical and mental well-being.
Not all travel needs to be expensive, so you can start small by traveling locally while saving for long-distance or international trips.
Go find your Blue Ocean Life, a place where you are the happiest and healthiest, and be sure to tag us in your pictures on Instagram (@blueoceanlifeco)!
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